This 4 week course is for students who have sat in a mediumship development circle, or for those who are linking with Spirit and giving messages to people in a personal and/or public manner.
We will cover topics such as:
Refining and validating evidence from Spirit to give accurate messages
Connecting with Spirit and sustaining the link with the Spirit World, and how to conserve energy
Different forms of mediumship, and learning which method works best for you
Understanding the various altered states in mediumship, and improving both private and public reading techniques
Developing your own unique style as you represent Spirit to the best of your ability
Perfecting your demonstrating techniques and the roles Spirit has to play in mediumship
Ethical responsibilities of being a professional medium
This course will assist you in working with Spirit to enhance and build even more confidence, and to push the boundaries of your mediumship to deliver even more accurate and in-depth readings. Cost is $30 per class.