Join Denise Alexander and Melinda Coshatt as we begin the journey of a new round of the Circle of Transformation (Shamanic teachings).
The Circle of Transformation is about shifting consciousness to higher levels of awareness. The central purpose of this Circle is to help you realize that the whole of creation exists in you, and the more you become aware of its beauty and wonders, you will experience ever greater and grander portions of it. The only thing that holds each of us back from experiencing the greatness is our concept of ourselves. We change it by learning to walk in beauty. We change it by accepting Grace which is all around you. And being that Beauty and Grace of which we are made.
We begin our journey in the direction of the South. The goal of the practice of beauty is to realize a state of genuine well-being that flows from a wellspring of awareness that is pure and unobscured bliss that arises not from pleasurable stimuli, but from the nature of one’s pure awareness. In this direction our focus will be to practice non-judgement, non-suffering, non-attachment and walk in beauty.
Recommended reading: The Four Insights: Wisdom, Power, and Grace of the Earthkeepers by Alberto Villoldo, PH.D.
This class meets once a week for 8 weeks and consists of a 4 week break before beginning another direction.
When: Wednesdays: Begins January 31, 2018 - March 21st, 2018
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $25/class
RSVP 918-455-0102