Have you ever lost time? Have you ever been in the middle of doing something and poof it is done and you don’t remember finishing it? Do you find you have made yourself very late for an appointment only to find that boom you are there and right on time? Do these types of things make you nervous? Well you are not alone. Join Sherry Mickleberry , Intuitive Shaman and Spiritual Cheerleader and Denise Alexander, Shaman and Dreamworker as we explore thedynamics and wonder of combining the spiritual world and the everyday walking world. This hands on experiential workshop is geared to everyday life and tools that work for any setting.
Where: Innergistic, 2401 S. Elm Place, Broken Arrow, Ok.
Cost: $125.00/person
Reservations: Innergistic – 918.455.0102; sherl@innergistic.com;
sherry@sherrymickleberry.com; alexanderdenise@att.net